Spring racing season is in full effect. Everyone on the team has been putting in lots of miles and work. This month I am highlighting GRIT athlete Sarah, who is training for Grayson Highlands 1/2 marathon in Virginia. She is a mom, trail runner, and overall rockstar! She has been putting in lots of trail miles and vert preparing for a half with approximately 3,000 feet of vert gain! Here is my interview with Sarah.

Tell us a little bit about yourself!
I live a simple and busy life as a working mom. I enjoy long walks with my family, hearty meals (and desserts), and an early bedtime. I am excited to be growing in my trail running goals, and hope to run an ultra one day.
What are you currently training for?
Grayson Highlands's Half Marathon
What is your favorite running snack?
Welch's Fruit Snacks
How did you get started on your running journey?
I was looking for a way to stay active after college and picked up running. Then I moved to NC and fell in love with trail running.

What keeps you motivated?
My son because I am a better mom and person when I take care of my physical and mental health. (I also need to stay in shape to keep up with him!)
Do you have a mantra or quote that you use when things get tough?
Roll with it - life happens so expect the unexpected, and focus on what you can control.
If you could give any advice to another athlete, what would it be?
Maintain an attitude of gratitude - for your body, your support system, your community, your trails, whatever!
What is your favorite workout so far in your training program?
I have actually really enjoyed the interval training runs.